Today I participated in an amazing, joyful event. I was part of my very first flash mob. I and about 30 other people gathered today at the LA Zoo to surprise our friend, Eli for his birthday with a dance attack. What an amazing feeling, to have all these people give their time, not just for the dance attack itself but to learn and rehearse the dance, to celebrate friendship and life and to just celebrate! What an amazing time. Check out the video here:
I have a brand new reel up on IMDB
Filming begins for “On the Brink”
Tomorrow I begin filming for “On the Brink”, a web series about a misguided, slightly loopy relationship therapist, Dr Penny Brink (played by yours truly). It’s a great story, told mockumentary style, in which we follow Dr Brink as she tries to help a “troubled couple – hey, that rhymes!” – get the spark back in their relationship.
I’m super excited to get started. It’s a great script and a great group of people. More updates to come!
I love cartoons! Now I am one!
Man, I love cartoons. I miss having Saturday mornings to laze around and watch Looney Toons. And lets be honest, sometimes I still do, just online. Well, today, I got to be the voice of a cartoon. Pretty exciting stuff. I did a couple of characters for a cartoon currently titled “Pickles” (written by Austin Wells) about a group of rather human-like canines. It’s an independent production so all the voice actors gathered around a mic in a little shed, a recording studio aptly titled “Shed Productions”. It was a great time. Next step, story boards, then off to the animator. Can’t wait to see how we’re drawn!
Cast in feature: Chasing Eden
It’s been a super busy week. I had 3 amazing auditions where I walked out feeling like I really nailed it. However, that rarely means much. But this time I have a call back for one of the projects and booked another! In the independent feature “Chasing Eden”, I will be playing the role of Lillian, a depressed out of work mother struggling to raise her daughter and keep her life together . It will be directed by Laura-Claire DelGrippo with Sean Patrick Flanery (Saw 3D, Boondock Saints, Suicide Kings) as my ex. We begin shooting in February. More news to come!
I have a manager!
I’ve just signed with Doug Murphy of Doug Murphy Management. Along with my agent Carol Oleesky at Privilege Talent Agency, the team is starting to come together! Looking forward to a long and productive relationship with both of them.
I have an agent!
I just signed across the board with Privilege Talent Agency. Looking forward to making magic!
I’ve been published! Stumped magazine’s “The Kate Bergeron Experience
As many of you know, I recently moved to LA to pursue the next level of my acting career. I was asked by Stumped magazine to share the first leg of my journey. Please check it out here: at